Returns & Exchanges

Our Easy Returns and Exchanges Policy:

At Speedsleev we're all about making your shopping experience as smooth as possible. If you ever need to return or exchange an item, here's our hassle-free policy:

  1. Your Choice, No Worries: You're welcome to return or exchange any item within 30 days of your original purchase. We want you to love what you ordered, so feel free to make changes if needed.
  1. Covering Shipping: While returns and exchanges are simple, we kindly ask that you take care of the shipping costs. We recommend using a reliable shipping method to ensure your items make it back to us safely.
  1. Refund Process: If you're returning an unused item, we'll process your refund once it's received and checked by our warehouse team. You can expect the refund to be credited to your original payment method swiftly once the product is received.
  1. Quality Assurance: We're committed to providing top-notch products. In the unlikely event of a manufacturer defect, contact us within 90 days of your purchase, and we’ll replace it with a new one.
  1. Your Happiness Matters: Our ultimate goal is your satisfaction. We want you to be thrilled with the quality of everything you order from us. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly customer service team via the contact form on our site.

This policy is subject to change at any time. The last update was 9/2023.

Distributor Interest Form

Please provide your name, email address, and some information about where you are located and why you're interested in sharing Speedsleev with your audience.

Our team will reach out to you to gather more details upon your submission.